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Homework is assigned through Tapestry in EYFS and Google Classroom in all other year groups. Each half-term, pupils are given a topic related task to complete for their homework. This is in addition to weekly maths homework, which is set online, and daily reading expectations.

Pupils in EYFS and KS1 are expected to read with an adult at home for at least 10 minutes a day whilst pupils in KS2 should be reading, with or without an adult, for at least 20 minutes a day. Pupils in KS2 are also assigned spelling games to complete on Spelling Shed on a weekly basis, matched to the spelling rule being taught in class that week.

Logging in to Google Classroom for the first time

Google Classroom will be familiar to pupils in Years 5 and 6 as they have been using their accounts in Computing lessons. Pupils in Years 1- 4 have been set up with new school Google accounts and log-in details have been sent home. These details have been stuck in pupils' Reading Records (or are on a loose piece of paper if they did not have their Reading Records with them).

You can use the following links to log in for the first time:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4