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Curriculum Intent

In order that we do not lose sight of what we believe our children to need, we have worked together to create our 'Curriculum Intent'.  This is our statement which captures what we believe in, how we approach our curriculum delivery as well as our core values as a Catholic School.

St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School is more than a building; it is a safe haven where our children can expect to be heard, nurtured, challenged, inspired and encouraged to do the very best that they can.

Our School Mission Statement encompasses our longer term aims in helping our children to Grow in Faith, Aim for Excellence and Learn for Life.

Our Mission is central to all we do and our curriculum rationale has been centred around the main points within it.

Growing in Faith

We are a diverse community; we celebrate difference by respecting each other’s beliefs and opinions. Our assemblies are based around the Gospel messages which, in turn, help us to firm our own beliefs about what it is to live out the messages of Jesus Christ whilst providing our children with opportunities to develop their own skills in decision making, problem solving, tolerance and resilience.

We hope for our children to be exposed to rich and varied life experiences and see it as our chance, and duty, to provide such opportunities through our curriculum. We do this by including topic related trips and first hand learning experiences which allow deeper and purposeful understanding of the world around them.

Opportunities for prayer, reflection and meditation are available daily and we believe that through this, and through our comprehensive teaching of RE, our children are able to develop kindness, compassion and a sense of their own faith journey.  We ensure that no child is excluded due to their own family circumstances or learning needs. 

We believe that God walks with us on our journey of faith, helping us to think, speak and act kindly just like Jesus.

Aiming for Excellence

We place high expectations on all of our children – inspiring, supporting and challenging them to do the very best that they can in all areas of learning. We realise that many of our children begin their school lives with limited aspirations and low self-esteem and we work hard to build in them a sense of pride, self-worth and to demonstrate through our curriculum that they can achieve their dreams.

Through a topic based approach we endeavour to present them with real life role models – people who have achieved and excelled despite the barriers life has handed them. We hope this will inspire our children to overcome their own barriers and strive, with our help, to recognise their own possibilities and aim to achieve their very best.

Therefore, we provide opportunities for children to celebrate the successes of others as well as to recognise that failure can be a positive step in the learning process. Working with our locality schools on curriculum projects provides our children with the chance to compete which, in turn, develops within them a positive spirit of challenge, determination, motivation and empathy.

We believe that every child has the potential to excel in their learning and we see it as our responsibility to ensure that they embrace this challenge.

The National Curriculum provides only part of the education for our children. We know that it is important to make time within the school curriculum to explore further by providing stimulating, creative and ambitious experiences so that our children learn about the world in which we live and all it has to offer.

Learning for Life

We are committed to ensuring that our children are equipped both academically and socially in order that they are successful in all stages of their education. In the longer term they become purposeful, resilient citizens who take personal pride in and responsibility for their own behaviours and attitudes.

Our curriculum aims to embrace British Values and our children have regular opportunities to work together in order to experience dilemmas, make compromises and joint decisions whilst respecting differing viewpoints along the way. We teach the importance of the law to achieve order within our community. This means that the children have a sound sense of right and wrong and are exposed to creating their own sets of rules and guidelines by which to work and play together harmoniously.

Within our curriculum, the children experience and learn the skills of discussion and debate and hence begin to realise that they each have a voice, the right to an opinion and the freedom to make choices. Therefore, we are laying the foundations for their understanding of democracy, how it works in the world and our children will realise the value of learning from one another.

We believe that our cross curricular approach provides our children with the opportunities to apply what has been learned into new situations and therefore deepens and widens their knowledge base whilst making their learning purposeful and relevant.

We believe that education is a lifelong gift and process and we encourage our children to share their thirst for learning and extend their studies outside of school with their families.

For more information about our curriculum, please contact the teachers via the School Office.

We ensure that our curriculum is accessible to all pupils including those with disabilities and special educational needs as required by the Equality Act 2010 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.