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The Liturgy Team

An active Liturgy Team has been part of St Catherine’s School life for many years. The Liturgy Team, is made up of 2 members from each class in Key Stage 2 and they serve on the team for the academic year. Pupils are nominated by their previous class teachers and invited to take up post in the Autumn Term.  These pupils are ambassadors for the Catholic Life of the school and are proactive in promoting our school values and expectations.  Pupils report that they are proud to hold this role in our school community.

Our Liturgy Team members are encouraged and expected to be trustworthy role models and uphold the expectations of our school.  Pupils have a clear sense of their roles and responsibilities and this is displayed in the school so that the whole school is aware.  One of the aims of the Liturgy Team is to involve others and to promote prayer and worship and in so-doing, play their own part in bringing God to the pupils of our school.  Each member of the Liturgy Team is charged with inviting a different member of their class to attend our prayer meeting and in so doing champion the following of Gospel values.  This has been met with a very positive response and pupils have been eager to partake, irrespective of their beliefs and backgrounds.  The depth of participation has been commendable and the atmosphere touching and reverent.

The Team work, with staff guidance,  on the preparation and delivery of the Gospel assemblies generating original ideas which impact positively on worship.  They support their partner class for the ‘Going Forth’ session, leading Bidding prayers and proclaiming the Gospel.  Through their service on the Liturgy Team, their confidence and skills in presenting to larger numbers of people grow, often beyond expectations.